Founded on September 1, 2019, the CII is a Missouri S&T research center that crosses the boundary of academic departments and provides sustained administrative support to the operation of externally-funded centers, including the five-year INSPIRE University Transportation Center (UTC) and Missouri S&T part of the Mid-America Transportation Center (MATC). Funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation, the INSPIRE UTC grant (2016-2022, ~$1.4M/year) and the MATC subcontract (2016-2022, ~$0.465M/year) are focused on the inspection, maintenance, and safety of transportation infrastructure.
The CII has an office space of approximately 200 m2, housing about 24 students and visiting scholars with a desktop computer each. It also houses one high performance computer (Precision 7920 Tower with two Intel Xeon Gold 6148 cards) for computationally-intensive simulation jobs.
A number of CII-affiliated laboratories housed in various academic departments support the center’s interdisciplinary research and education mission on Missouri S&T campus and beyond. Following is a list of laboratory facilities closely related to the theme of this proposal.
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