Dr. Mohamed ElGawady is Professor and Benavides Faculty Scholar in Civil Engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T), Director of the Highbay Structural Laboratory. He is the Chair of ASCE-ACI committee 441 on Reinforced Concrete Columns and ACI 341A on Seismic Performance of Bridge columns. He is an associate editor of the ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering. Dr. ElGawady received his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering in 2004 and postdoc training in 2006 from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) and The University of Auckland, respectively. In 2012, he joined Missouri S&T as an Associate Professor. Dr. ElGaway co-authored over 200 technical publications in the assessment and repair of concrete and masonry structures under earthquake and impact loads, innovative structural systems to accelerate construction, innovative material, recycled and sustainable material, and long-term behavior of concrete material. He received the 2019 ASCE Innovation Award, 2018 Missouri S&T Faculty Research Award, 2017 Missouri S&T Faculty Excellence Award, 2016 Joseph H. Senne, Jr. Academy of Civil Engineers Faculty Achievement Award. 
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