Grace Yan is a Professor in the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering of Missouri University of Science and Technology, the director of Wind Hazard Mitigation (WHAM) Laboratory. She is passionate about the mitigation of hazards induced by extreme winds, such as tornadoes and hurricanes, and the achievement of community resilience. Her research includes the simulation of different wind fields numerically (using CFD simulations) and experimentally (in regular wind tunnels and the tornado simulators in WHAM lab); dynamic responses on civil structures induced by extreme winds; and the reproduction of the damage scenarios induced by real-world extreme winds using numerical simulations. She believes community resilience is a matter for the entire community. To achieve true community resilience, besides conducting research from the engineering perspective, she also conducts multi-disciplinary research to enhance the risk awareness of the public on extreme winds and encourage the public to take proactive measures. She has published 43 journal papers and 57 conference papers. She is the recipient of 20 research grants with a total fund of $1.93 M.

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